Waltfluid Cast steel Gate Valves are primarily used for stop valves fully opened or fully closed .They are not normally considered for throttling purposes,but more for slurries,viscous fluids,etc. Gate valves are characterized by a traveling wedge ,which is moved with the operation of the stem nut. Gate valves usually have a minimum pressure drop when fully open,provide tight shut-off when fully closed,and remain relatively free of contamination buildup.
The Waltfluid Stainless Steel Needle Valves is a kind of advanced connection valve in power station, oil refining, chemical plant and instrument measuring pipeline. The needle valve has good sealing performance and long service life. Even if the sealing surface is damaged, it only needs to replace the vulnerable parts, so that it can continue to use.
The Waltfluid Cast Y Strainer is of medium is an indispensable channel series device, usually installed in the pressure reducing valve, pressure relief valve, water valve or other device set the import side, to eliminate impurities in the medium to protect the valve and equipment of the normal use. The filter has the advanced structure, small resistance, sewage and convenient. Suitable medium for water, oil and gas. User requirements can make the filter, which is basically the same shape (Y-type), all the internal parts of stainless steel, durable. When you need cleaning, simply remove the removable cartridge, remove the filter out impurities, you can reload the use of maintenance is very convenient. The filter body is small, filter fine eyes, small resistance, the effect of high installation and maintenance, convenient, low cost and short time of sewage, the average small models were just 5-10 minutes.
美国机械工程师学会 (ASME) 标准涉及压力技术、核电站、建筑、工程设计、标准化和性能测试。就阀门而言,阀门行业主要关注压力技术和确保不同组件或部件之间的兼容性。
制造商标准化协会 (MSS) 是美国历史最悠久的标准组织。该标准专门制定工业阀门和配件规格。材料和相关指南几乎用于所有行业,并用于废物管理、石油精炼和核能设施。
当然,API 之后是 ISO 规范,因为两者都有一些工业阀门的联合标准。一个值得注意的重要标准是阀门测试或 ISO 5208:2008,其中详细说明了金属阀门的压力测试,以及 ISO 5211:2001,其中规定了部分回转执行器附件。
美国石油学会 (API) 是石油和天然气行业(例如石油化工、化工和炼油)的全球领先标准。该学会为工业阀门制造商制定标准规范,并发布安装、校准、测试和维修标准。
我们提供定制的工业阀门,以确保我们的产品符合您的应用标准和需求。符合 ISO、API、MSS 和 ASME 标准,以保证您的最高产品质量。